Thursday, February 17, 2011

Raising Spirits

Daddy came home last week.  He has been away for a while in the land he came from.  His Daddy has gone to join my older brother, Cider in the place where nothing hurts and the rabbits are really fat and slow.  I’m sure Cider is enjoying the company, but Daddy and his pack all miss him and are very sad.

An adventure was obviously what Daddy needed to raise his spirits so we put him in the motorized dog carrier, Mummy took charge of the controls and we drove for many hours in a very straight line until we came to some hills, the other side of which was the big lake called the Pacific Ocean.

We spent the weekend at a special kennel with a really quite superb in-room doggy dining menu, but at my age I always like to bring my own.  I just can’t handle the rich sauces.

I think we did a pretty good job of trying to make Daddy feel better.  Some of our humans’ friends came to drink falling over juice with him, and I took him for a long stroll by the water.  I used to enjoy this when I was young, but the sandy stuff makes my old paws sore now.  The motorized dog carrier obviously felt the same way after the long drive, because it started to limp really badly on the way home and we had to stop to put a new paw cover on it.

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