Friday, February 25, 2011

The Great Bag Escape

We have been working very hard on cheering Daddy up but the trips are getting a little exhausting.  We went away again last weekend to Sonoma and when our humans visit falling over juice kennels, we are expected to entertain the other visiting humans too.  I don’t think our humans understand that we need our full 20 hours of sleep each day .

Thankfully, a trip to Sun Valley, Idaho for them to slide down white slippy stuff came up, and I can tell you it’s not a moment too soon.  They get there on a flying metal tube and as you all know from my earlier posts, I don’t frequent that form of travel due to their discriminatory attitude of making dogs travel 3rd class.

I have communicated with Mummy briefly since their departure.  They appear to be having a wonderful time, however she has a very
disobedient suitcase.  It decided to go to Hawaii instead of Sun Valley but luckily the suitcase police caught it just as it was heading to the beach and sent it back to do its job and bring Mummy all her clothes.  However, despite being told to rush it appeared to have snuck an extra 2 days in the sun.

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