Monday, July 25, 2011

Soaking Dead Plants

For all you regular readers, you will know that at the time of year when the air is warm and it’s bright outside, my humans like to go to a field in the middle of our town every week to listen to howling humans.  Personally, I can’t see the attraction but they seem to enjoy it and a lot of their friends join them and share falling over juice with each other.

For the last couple of years, this has been quite stressful for me as a lot of dogs bring their humans.  I had to keep a really good watch out for my old brother to make sure that young dogs didn’t bother him so I’ve really not had the chance to socialize properly for a while.  Now I get to chat and am finding out lots of interesting stuff.  I met a little guy called Rocco.  His pack come from Boston which he told me is on the opposite side of this land and is known for big tea parties.  Humans make tea by soaking dead plants in hot water and it really doesn’t smell good.  Daddy drinks a lot of it which I have never understood but Rocco solved the mystery for me.  Two dog lives ago, Daddy lived in a kennel near Boston.  I haven’t yet had a chance to check on the dangers of tea, but I am a little concerned that he may have developed an addiction to it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Strange Fish

It’s always good to get a little light relief from my busy schedule so I was delighted when my humans told me last weekend that we were taking the motorized dog carrier for a trip to Sonoma.  I’ve been going there with my humans and brother since I was a small pup and know when we’re nearly there because the motorized dog carrier moves slower and the windows open so that I can jam all the wonderful smells up my nose.  Damn!  That place smells good.  I feel quite sorry for the humans because they obviously can’t fully enjoy the experience with those tiny noses.

We went to a falling over juice kennel called Schug Winery.  Usually, my humans just test the produce, but this time they joined other humans to eat very strange looking red fish with claws.  It would appear that when eating these fish it is traditional to wear white plastic scarves showing pictures of them.  And, I have to add that I can’t really see the attraction of eating a fish that has such hard skin that they have to beat it with heavy objects to get the meat out.  What’s wrong with a soft skinned fish like salmon although I have to admit that the hard skinned fish did taste pretty good.

I was hoping that we would be going home after this.  You have to remember that dogs need at least 20 hours of good sleep a day, but they insisted on stopping at Nicholson Ranch to collect more falling over juice so I didn’t even get a comfortable sleep back to the kennel.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Beat the Heat

Do you have any idea what hard work it is taking care of two humans all on your own?  I have to keep a constant look out for potential threats to the kennel.  Although Bowmore’s hearing wasn’t too good, I never realized what a help that extra pair of ears was.

My humans have spent the last few weeks complaining about the water falling out of the sky.  I have to admit that we have had a lot of it which really doesn’t help me improve my Frisbee catching skills as Mummy refuses to throw it, citing some problem with my tearing up the green stuff outside.  This weekend has been particularly hot which you would have thought would give my ears a break from the whining, but oh no.  They complained about that too.  Do you hear me complain and I have to walk around in a fur coat?

Luckily, I met this cute chick called Bella who lives with her humans in a kennel with a big hole in the ground with water.  I of course turned on the charm so got invited over to cool off and took the opportunity to show off my swimming prowess.  She was pretty impressed but is not much of a swimmer.  She said something about not liking to get her fur wet, but man, are those California blondes hot.  Did you see the length of those legs?  She’s not interested in a casual fling and I’m just not the settling down type, but if I change my mind, Bella’s going to have to watch out.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...