Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Beat the Heat

Do you have any idea what hard work it is taking care of two humans all on your own?  I have to keep a constant look out for potential threats to the kennel.  Although Bowmore’s hearing wasn’t too good, I never realized what a help that extra pair of ears was.

My humans have spent the last few weeks complaining about the water falling out of the sky.  I have to admit that we have had a lot of it which really doesn’t help me improve my Frisbee catching skills as Mummy refuses to throw it, citing some problem with my tearing up the green stuff outside.  This weekend has been particularly hot which you would have thought would give my ears a break from the whining, but oh no.  They complained about that too.  Do you hear me complain and I have to walk around in a fur coat?

Luckily, I met this cute chick called Bella who lives with her humans in a kennel with a big hole in the ground with water.  I of course turned on the charm so got invited over to cool off and took the opportunity to show off my swimming prowess.  She was pretty impressed but is not much of a swimmer.  She said something about not liking to get her fur wet, but man, are those California blondes hot.  Did you see the length of those legs?  She’s not interested in a casual fling and I’m just not the settling down type, but if I change my mind, Bella’s going to have to watch out.

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