Thursday, July 14, 2011

Strange Fish

It’s always good to get a little light relief from my busy schedule so I was delighted when my humans told me last weekend that we were taking the motorized dog carrier for a trip to Sonoma.  I’ve been going there with my humans and brother since I was a small pup and know when we’re nearly there because the motorized dog carrier moves slower and the windows open so that I can jam all the wonderful smells up my nose.  Damn!  That place smells good.  I feel quite sorry for the humans because they obviously can’t fully enjoy the experience with those tiny noses.

We went to a falling over juice kennel called Schug Winery.  Usually, my humans just test the produce, but this time they joined other humans to eat very strange looking red fish with claws.  It would appear that when eating these fish it is traditional to wear white plastic scarves showing pictures of them.  And, I have to add that I can’t really see the attraction of eating a fish that has such hard skin that they have to beat it with heavy objects to get the meat out.  What’s wrong with a soft skinned fish like salmon although I have to admit that the hard skinned fish did taste pretty good.

I was hoping that we would be going home after this.  You have to remember that dogs need at least 20 hours of good sleep a day, but they insisted on stopping at Nicholson Ranch to collect more falling over juice so I didn’t even get a comfortable sleep back to the kennel.


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