Monday, July 25, 2011

Soaking Dead Plants

For all you regular readers, you will know that at the time of year when the air is warm and it’s bright outside, my humans like to go to a field in the middle of our town every week to listen to howling humans.  Personally, I can’t see the attraction but they seem to enjoy it and a lot of their friends join them and share falling over juice with each other.

For the last couple of years, this has been quite stressful for me as a lot of dogs bring their humans.  I had to keep a really good watch out for my old brother to make sure that young dogs didn’t bother him so I’ve really not had the chance to socialize properly for a while.  Now I get to chat and am finding out lots of interesting stuff.  I met a little guy called Rocco.  His pack come from Boston which he told me is on the opposite side of this land and is known for big tea parties.  Humans make tea by soaking dead plants in hot water and it really doesn’t smell good.  Daddy drinks a lot of it which I have never understood but Rocco solved the mystery for me.  Two dog lives ago, Daddy lived in a kennel near Boston.  I haven’t yet had a chance to check on the dangers of tea, but I am a little concerned that he may have developed an addiction to it.

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