Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fetch Tutors

They always say that you shouldn’t try to teach your close relatives.  Tobermory is doing pretty well on his security studies and mastering the art of holding down sofas, but when it comes to fetch he just won’t listen which has forced me to solicit a little tutoring help from my friends.

I’ve been soft on Tobermory in correcting his over-zealous tackling technique so Truman has kindly taught him a few things about manners on the fetching field, however for teaching the importance of speed in getting to the ball, Wally is the only dog for the job.  Man, can that guy run.  I have to congratulate Tobermory this weekend on his valiant effort to keep up but the kid just doesn’t know when to stop.  He spent the whole of the next day asleep on top of me instead of helping out with human care.


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