Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Humans and Water

I have been working very hard at my human studies.  The current topic is “Humans and Water.”  Talisker says they don’t like it when water falls out of the sky because they don’t have waterproof fur.  I guess he must be right because Mummy took us out for our neighborhood sniff today when lots of it was falling and she put a body cover on that all the water rolled off and another on the fur on her head.  I thought it was really fun.  You can catch it in your mouth and jump over the piles of it that gather on the road.

Humans also like to wash things with water.  They put their body covers in a big box with a window in the front so that you can watch them swim.  They also clean themselves every day in a big glass box that sprays water at them.

I think the washing thing is a big mistake.  The body covers smell way better before they go swimming and humans don’t taste as good when they come out of the water box either.


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