Monday, February 6, 2012

Giants Play Fetch

I have always had a penchant for the game of fetch.  It is therefore with some amusement that I follow human interpretations of the game.  Of course I understand that with only two legs and such little mouths they do have some limitations.

All dogs know that the secret to a good game of fetch is choosing the correct size of ball.  I personally prefer small yellow furry ones.  They fly well and have just the right amount of resistance against teeth to get a good grip on the catch.

There are groups of humans who call themselves giants which I have always found confusing as they seem to be the same size as all the others.  These humans seem to be particularly keen on trying to play fetch.  Some are from San Francisco and to account for the limitation of their mouth size, they put big pieces of cow skin on their paws shaped like baskets to help them catch the ball.  They do pretty well which I attribute to their using a ball of the correct size.

At this time of year groups of humans try to play fetch on the moving picture frame on the wall.  They really don’t know how to play the game and are obviously very dangerous individuals as they all wear muzzles.  One always runs away with the ball forcing the other humans to chase him to get it back.  This year, giants from New York got to play.  You’d think that they might have talked to their San Francisco relatives to get a few pointers, but they ran away with the ball with the ball so often that I have had to come to the conclusion that muzzled humans just don’t get it.

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