Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cows with Long Fur

I like cows.  I’ve never met one but they look really friendly on the writing box.  There are supposed to be a lot of them in Sonoma so when we were last there I tried really hard to find one to bring home but I think they must have all been hiding.

Our humans have just returned from chasing the evil black boxes with wheels.   Mummy always takes a lot of pictures so that we can see where they’ve been.  They met lots of cows and it would appear that they come in different shapes and sizes.

The first pictures were of the land where there are funny little plants with 3 leaves and the humans are very small and wear green.  The cows there look pretty much the same as the ones I’ve seen pictures of in Sonoma, however in the land where male humans wear skirts they look completely different.  They have really long fur and the big cows don’t seem to have any eyes.  I really like the little ones.  I couldn’t see from the picture of one what the price tag in its ear said, but it must have been really expensive or I’m sure Mummy would have brought it back to our kennel for me.

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