Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Tobermory is getting really quite good at his security duties.  He spends a lot of time on the viewing platform on the stairs in our kennel.  He’s very enthusiastic but still has to learn what a real threat is as his warning barks are a little too frequent.  On the positive side, this is giving me more time to spend on the writing box furthering my human studies.

I recently learnt about an art practiced by humans called levitation.  This is when something with no legs stands up.  Some think that if they stare at the thing long enough, their brain will make it levitate.

Every year our humans go to a falling over juice kennel called Schug in Sonoma to eat strange red fish that are cooked in a big pot with lots of vegetables and sausages.  I tried a bit of one last year.  It tasted pretty good but when there are plenty of good fishes with soft skins it seems like the humans go to a ridiculous amount of effort to get the skins off these ones.  We couldn’t even eat the skins when they were finished with them.

I am pleased to say that there was quite a lot of bread.  It sat on the end of the table so I told Tobermory to help me try out levitation to get the bread off the table and jump into our mouths.  You know, if you stare at bread for long enough, it actually works?  Daddy did help it, but I didn’t see anything in the levitation instructions that said you can’t use your brain to make a human move bread to where you want it to be.

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