Friday, August 10, 2012

A Letter Home

Dear Mom, Dad and my Boy

I just wanted to let you know that I’m OK.  Talisker explained to me that you had to chase the evil black bags with wheels that ran away with your body covers.  At first I was a little upset that you didn’t have faith enough in my tracking instincts to help out, but after Talisker and Tobermory’s humans showed me a picture of all the water that the bags had taken you to, I now understand that you were protecting me from having to face my biggest fear.

Security is a tough job at this kennel.  There’s always a human here and a lot of potential threats walk past which need to be barked at.  This leaves very little time to practice the art of sofa restraint, but I have managed to squeeze a little in and help Tobermory with his technique.

In return, Tobermory has taught me to play crocodiles.  Talisker says he’s very pleased because he’s bored of playing it and Tobermory is quite obsessed with the game.  I have to admit to being on Tobermory’s side on this point.

The boys have taken me with their humans to a couple of human feeding stations to educate me on the finer points of bread tasting.  I would like to point out that I definitely need more practice as I am not sure that I can yet fully appreciate the subtle differences between sourdough and classic French baguette.

Although I’m having fun, I hope you catch the evil black bags soon so that I can return to our kennel.  I really don’t like having to eat my food fast so that the others don’t eat it, and although Tobermory has been very good about letting me sleep in his big bed and is sleeping on his travel bed, I would much rather be sleeping with my Boy.

Sending you lots of  big licks.

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