Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring Clean

Humans seem to have what I consider to be an unhealthy obsession with cleanliness.  Every day ours stand in a glass box that sprays water all over them.  Of course, you do have to take into account that with such little tongues and their limited flexibility, it must be difficult to clean themselves without a little help however, I do think they take it to the extreme.  They are perfectly aware that too much of the bubbly stuff that they put on their heads plays havoc with natural waterproofing.  If they took notice of this fact, they wouldn’t need to walk around under little single posted portable tents when water is falling out of the sky.
I am pleased to say that our humans don’t inflict this cleanliness obsession on us too often.  However, Mummy does feel it is necessary to subject us occasionally to what she calls Bath Day, with the exception of one every year when it starts to get warm outside which is called Spring Clean.  I can tell when it’s about to happen.  She gathers together lots of big fluffy water eating cloths and piles them on the floor in a room containing a big pot for cooking humans.  She thinks she’s being subtle, but I always know what she’s up to.  She makes us climb into the pot and then a long water snake sprays warm water at us, after which Mummy covers us in bubbly stuff and gives us a good scratch all over.  That bit’s not too bad.  We have to endure this twice before being rubbed with the water eating cloths.  I always like to show my dislike by shaking at regular intervals during the process so that Mummy gets covered in the bubbly stuff too, in the hope that she might get the hint and give up this practice.
It’s always upsetting to see lots of the brown stuff that’s on the ground outside disappearing down the hole in the pot.  Humans don’t seem to realize that we like to keep a little of this in our fur to help with insulation and it takes quite a lot of work to achieve the correct level without it becoming itchy.  You would think that Mummy might have caught on after all these years when she sees us rush outside and roll around in an attempt to recapture a little.

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