Friday, March 22, 2013

A Slippy Education

In order to properly care for humans, it is important in any young pup’s education to experience at first hand as much as possible of the strange things that humans do to amuse themselves.  One of the strangest ones that I have observed is their desire to ride up hills covered in white slippy stuff on moving sofas and then slide down them with boards strapped to their feet.
White slippy stuff is exhilarating to play in for us too, so when I saw Daddy putting the boards on top of the motorized dog carrier, I felt it would be more fun for Tobermory if I didn’t fill him in as to what was in store.  Your first experience of white slippy stuff is one you never forget.
I regretted my decision as soon as the motorized dog carrier started to go up and the ground turned white.  I had been hoping to catch up on some sleep, but Tobermory kept climbing on and off the bags of human body covers to get a better view and repeatedly said “Man, you gotta see this.  It’s way cool”.  I had to listen to his incessant whining and endure his constant wriggling for 2 very long hours.
Our friend, Truman and his humans joined us.  Can you believe that he is 3 human years old and hadn’t seen white slippy stuff yet?  His Mummy doesn’t like sliding down hills and prefers to watch while she makes human body covers with two sticks and pieces of string.  We were in a place she didn’t know so I thought it prudent for us to keep her company.  The kids were amazed at the site of moving sofas when all their education had taught them that they need to be restrained to prevent them from moving.
Most owners of kennels surrounded by white slippy stuff seem to be careless with their security however, those whose kennels they leave in the care of Tahoe Moon Properties have a special understanding of the importance of visiting humans bringing their security detail with them.  At the end of the first day, I left the job of securing the perimeter of the one we stayed in to Truman and Tobermory.  I was only interested in taking a nap by the hole in the wall with fire which I felt was only fair.  Their attention all day had been focused solely on watching the sliding humans, leaving me completely in charge of taking care of Truman’s Mummy with no breaks.  I seriously needed to catch up on my daily requirement of 20 hours of sleep.

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