Monday, July 8, 2013

Fluffy Yellow Ball Swatting

Yesterday, Daddy got up really early to watch humans wearing white body covers on the picture box play with yellow fluffy balls in a place called Wimbledon.
Humans in this land have put their own interpretations on the long standing canine game of Fetch, two of which they call Football and Baseball.  The yellow fluffy ball game looks very different.  It seems to be based on the feline game of Swat, only instead of using their paws, they swat balls with frying pans made of string.  I assume that this is because humans are not as coordinated as mouse hunters so need a larger surface area.
Wimbledon is in the same land that our humans came from.  This year, the game with male human competitors was won by Andy Murray who like Daddy, comes from the North where male humans wear skirts.  This win is unusual because it’s the first time in 77 human years (that’s 6 whole canine life spans) that a human from that land has won, and even more unusual because skirt wearing male humans have long been considered as being particularly ineptat ball swatting.
Mummy said that humans in Wimbledon’s land are fanatical about watching the ball swatting that takes place there every year.  You’d think that if they watched it so much, they might be able to pick up a few tips and win a little more often, but I think I’ve worked out what the problem is.  From listening to the stories of Mummy and her friends’ visits to Wimbledon, they were obviously being horribly distracted by strawberries covered in thick cow juice and a brown liquid full of fruit called Pimm’s.

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