Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hot Waves

In the last couple of days, I keep hearing the humans on the moving picture frame on the wall saying that we are having hot waves, especially where our kennel is.  Once, when I was a puppy, our humans took us to a place called Carmel where we chased fluffy yellow balls on strange ground that moved when we ran on it.  There were waves there, but they cold.  I’ve never seen anything that looks like a wave here, hot or cold.
However, I have noticed in the last few days that someone has seriously turned up the heat outside our kennel which is very uncomfortable when you are covered in fur.  Inside, there is a little box on the wall with buttons that our humans press to make cold air blow out of holes in the floor (I like to lie on the one under Mummy’s writing box table).  I’ve never seen it, but there must be a little box with buttons outside that has gone wrong.  I hope it gets mended soon because I’m really bored of staying inside.

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