Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Wisdom of Elders

It is now howling human season in our town.  It happens every Wednesday and Sunday when it’s warm outside and the sun likes to stay awake longer.
Last Wednesday, a human called Mary Wilson was the featured howler.  Many human years ago, when our humans were puppies, she used to howl with a famous group of females called the Supremes.  I don’t really get the human howling thing.  They sound pretty strange, but this one obviously has special powers, like the humans who blow a little pipe to make snakes come out of baskets and wriggle around.  I have a pretty good memory for faces, but this howling human attracted a lot I hadn’t seen before.  Instead of sitting quietly and listening while they drank falling over juice, many were standing up and wriggling like snakes.  It was pretty funny to watch.
A lot of the human listeners, like ours, bring their security detail with them.  Since there was a larger number than usual, we got to meet a few new friends.  One, whose company I particularly enjoyed, was a charming elderly lady called CeCe.  She’s a lion chaser like our friend, Truman’s father.

It’s important to learn from our elders, and like my dearly departed older brother, Bowmore, CeCe had lots of stories to tell and nuggets of wisdom to impart.  She hung out with us for a long time, and even Tobermory stopped his constant moving and sat down to listen.  She’s retired from her security duties now, but the humans that she has been taking care of her whole life are now repaying her by taking really good care of her and making sure she enjoys her retirement.  She gets lots of cuddles from the human puppies in her kennel, and since her back legs don’t work as well as they used to, her Daddy helps her out so she can still get out with her family and keep enjoying life.

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