Thursday, November 27, 2014

Being Thankful

Today is Thanksgiving.  I always thought it had something to do with a really big chicken.  I like chicken so being able to eat a really big one is definitely something to be thankful for.  Talisker says he used to think the same but has now learnt that it is a day when you have to think of things that you're thankful for, other than chicken.  So, here are a couple of things I’m thankful for.

I’m thankful for my big brother, Talisker.  He’s taught me everything I know about taking care of humans and how to protect a kennel properly.  I know I get a little over enthusiastic sometimes, but he’s very patient with me.

A few weeks ago, Daddy started howling every time we touched him.  Mummy said a piece of his back had fallen out because he spent many human years jumping off the sides of big hills covered in white slippy stuff.  Earlier this week, she took him away very early in the morning in the motorized dog carrier.  When she brought Daddy back, he was very sleepy but didn’t howl when we wagged our tails against him.  She said he’d been mended.  He says he’ll be able to take us for long walks again soon, but now we are just happy we can cuddle him again when he’s under his bird fir.  So, I have to say that the thing I am most thankful for today is that Daddy has been mended.

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