Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Causing Stress

The evil black bags took Daddy away last week on a flying metal tube.  Sometimes he goes away for just one night but he was away for a whole week and left us to take care of Mummy all on our own.  Talisker didn't seem to take this seriously.  He said Daddy used to go away a lot when he was young.  He has to do it to earn the green stuff that buys dog biscuits.  He told me to relax because Mummy would be just fine, but I don’t like it.  It’s very important to keep the pack together.  If I’m going to become head of security one day, the humans have to understand this.  I made sure that I barked at everything that walked past our kennel and slept on top of Mummy so she understood my level of commitment to the job.  It really isn't nice to put me through this kind of stress.


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