Friday, April 29, 2022

Charity Begins at Home

We are lucky to have good humans who like to help others less fortunate than themselves.

This weekend they are involved with a team of organizers in something called a fundraiser.  Before the human biting problem when they had to wear muzzles, this was a common occurrence.  They get all consumed for days beforehand.  All Mummy does is play with her writing box and catch pieces of paper that the machine next to it throws out.

There is a human expression that I learned, “Charity Begins a Home”, and I must admit that I have been guilty of thinking that our humans should not be neglecting us by reducing their time taking us for neighborhood sniffs.  That is until today.

I heard Mummy talking about the local human groups that their fundraiser will be benefitting, JW House, Life ServicesAlternatives, Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence, Saint Patrick School, StartingArts, St. Louise Regional Hospital and Sunnyvale Community Services.

I take It back.  Charity does begin at home, but it takes good humans to make sure that it happens in all their homes and we’re happy to forego a few neighborhood sniffs to help many humans, even if we don’t know them.


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