Saturday, April 16, 2022

Wiggling Humans

Humans need to be exercised and Tobermory has taught me that they are very compliant if there's a reward at the end.

Last Thursday we took Daddy on our sniff up a hill to his favorite falling over juice kennel, Testarossa.  Tobermory said we were going there so the humans could listen to something called music.  Mummy was waiting at the top with a big bowl of iced water for us, and a bottle of water with bubbles and a glass of falling over juice for Daddy.

In front of the other humans drinking falling over juice, was a female howling while the male standing next to her pulled strings on a box that made noises.  Some of the humans got out of their seats and started wiggling their bodies which was really funny to watch.  I couldn’t understand why Tobermory wasn’t laughing too.  He said he’d seen it many times before as it was a common occurrence in the olden days before the human biting epidemic when they were only allowed out of their kennels wearing muzzles, but now I can look forward to watching humans wiggle at Testarossa every Thursday until the sun starts to go to bed early.

When I see something new, I like to do a little research on Mummy’s writing box, and I was interested to find out what you call humans who howl to the noise that comes from boxes with strings.  Did you know that snakes climb out of baskets and wiggle when humans blow through hollow sticks that make noises?  They’re called Snake Charmers.  Since the howling human and the one pulling strings made humans wiggle, I guess that would mean they are called Human Charmers.


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