Wednesday, April 6, 2022

On Special Assignment

Tobermory has appointed me to a special assignment.  I was made for this job and have been training hard for it all my life.  Cuddling is my specialty which I made very clear to Mummy when she first came to interview me and my brothers, crawling on her lap and licking her while the others roughhoused.

A few days ago, Mummy fell when she was getting out of the human washing box, hit her head and sprang a leak.  I think if humans had more fur to protect them, they wouldn’t be quite so delicate.

Daddy took her to be repaired but it didn’t work.  As soon as she got home, she sprang an even bigger leak so had to go straight back to the local human repair shop.  Of course, this gave Tobermory and me plenty of time to clear up.  Humans can be very messy when they leak.

I now have the task of cuddling Mummy as often as I can, just like she cuddled me when my doctor had to put a zipper in my tummy.  Tobermory says cuddling really helps the healing process.


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