Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don't Mess with Mummy's Garden

Yesterday Bowmore was helping me with my security duties when we noticed humans outside our kennel digging holes and pulling out Mummy’s plants. There is only one human she allows to dig holes in the garden with his friends, but they put plants in the holes instead of taking them out. These guys didn’t look anything like them. They wore silly looking round orange hats and I think pixies were supposed to be joining them because they put orange pixie hats on the road for them to put on when they arrived.
I think we have all learnt that messing with Mummy’s garden without her permission is a REALLY bad idea so Bowmore and I stood on our viewing platform and barked loudly out of the window to warn them before Mummy noticed, but they didn’t seem to hear. Of course, you can guess what happened next. Mummy ran out of the door and across the grass. We couldn’t hear from inside the kennel, but I’m sure she was growling because by the time she got back from earning dog biscuits in the afternoon they’d put the plants back.  They didn’t look very well so I hope for those guys' own safety they aren’t thinking of coming back because if they do Mummy might take them to the place where humans take all the food out your tummy like she did with me when I dug up the treats she buried.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Water Tunnel with Big Brushes

After a busy morning of holding down the sofa in the room with no walls, we accompanied Mummy on a trip to take her motorized dog carrier for a bath. It goes through a tunnel that sprays water at it and then big brushes clean all the dirt off.

It surprises me that humans don’t clean themselves in tunnels that spray water with big brushes. Mummy and Daddy stand in a glass box that sprays water at them but it would be much more efficient if it had big brushes too.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Talisker turns 2 human years

As head of security, Talisker has been very overworked just lately. Not only are the humans next door making their kennel bigger so he has lots of trucks to bark at, but the kennel opposite is having big holes dug in their garden. Of course with his advanced digging skills he has been very concerned that human digging techniques look a little suspect.

Mummy, Daddy and I decided that he needed a little light relief from this serious work and since he turns 2 human years this week, we held a surprise birthday party for him this weekend. His young friends, Pumbaa, Truman and Joey came to play fetch as he needs a little challenge added to improve his skills and my legs don’t move fast enough anymore. They all brought their humans to drink falling over juice with Mummy and Daddy which tends to make them messy eaters so I invited my old friend, Levi to help clear up after them.

I am pleased to say, we have at last found out a way of tiring Talisker out.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Flying Squirrels

In the garden at our kennel, lots of little grey animals with fluffy tails called squirrels live in the trees. As head of security it’s my job to keep them away. I run very fast and have worked hard at the art of the element of surprise and have not caught one yet so you can imagine my horror when last time we went to play in white slippy stuff, Bowmore told me he’d teach me to play flying squirrel. I’ve never seen a squirrel in white slippy stuff so of course assumed the old dude had caught one and brought it with us which is not good for my self-esteem.

I was quite relieved to learn that a “flying squirrel” is a thing like a ball, but flat. Daddy says Bowmore was an expert flying squirrel catcher when he was a young pup. He was good at teaching me the serious art of sofa restraint so I am hoping his coaching skills will help me reach the same high standard with this new sport.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hitting little white balls with long sticks

Humans like to see how far little white balls will fly when they hit them with long sticks. Mummy and Daddy have bags full of them and when I was a young pup Mummy would hit the balls down the hill and I would bring them back for her which was a lot of fun.

Yesterday there was a lot of water falling out of the sky so instead of taking our humans out for an adventure, we all cuddled up on the sofa in front of the hole in the wall with fire. We watched humans hit little white balls on the moving picture frame on the wall however I don’t understand why they didn’t bring their dogs to help because the balls were flying a really long way and they had to fetch them themselves.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The plight of Mr Bear's relatives

I have always prided myself on being a dog of my word. Daddy was away earning dog biscuits in far away lands the whole of last month so when he returned to our kennel a few days ago and suggested that we should all take the big motorized dog carrier for some exercise, I pointed out that I promised Talisker he would get to play in white slippy stuff again before it disappeared.

When we went out one evening for our end of evening sniff with Daddy, we met a really big black dog that he said was called Mr Bear. I’ve never met someone from his family so wanted to introduce myself but Daddy was being very antisocial and insisted I not do so. Talisker thought he looked funny and is a bit of a joker so of course had to imitate him for Mummy in the morning.

I was a little suspicious of Daddy’s reaction to Mr Bear so while he and Mummy were out sliding down white slippy stuff (it was very cold so we stayed in the kennel by the hole in the wall with fire) I used the writing box to check out his family. I learnt that he has white relatives that live in a place made of white slippy stuff that is disappearing and they have nowhere else to go. Now I understand why Daddy didn’t want to make friends because Mr Bear obviously has a lack of sense of family. If his relatives are losing their home you would think he could invite them to stay with him in Tahoe where there is lots of white slippy stuff at the moment, plenty of food and even more when the white slippy stuff goes away.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...