Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Talisker turns 2 human years

As head of security, Talisker has been very overworked just lately. Not only are the humans next door making their kennel bigger so he has lots of trucks to bark at, but the kennel opposite is having big holes dug in their garden. Of course with his advanced digging skills he has been very concerned that human digging techniques look a little suspect.

Mummy, Daddy and I decided that he needed a little light relief from this serious work and since he turns 2 human years this week, we held a surprise birthday party for him this weekend. His young friends, Pumbaa, Truman and Joey came to play fetch as he needs a little challenge added to improve his skills and my legs don’t move fast enough anymore. They all brought their humans to drink falling over juice with Mummy and Daddy which tends to make them messy eaters so I invited my old friend, Levi to help clear up after them.

I am pleased to say, we have at last found out a way of tiring Talisker out.


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