Sunday, May 23, 2010

Smoked Weeds

We all had a relaxing day today. Bowmore was tired from entertaining humans yesterday so napped in the room with no walls while I helped Mummy play with her plants, only in an advisory capacity of course.

It’s usually very quiet in our garden but there was a gathering of humans at one of the kennels nearby who were obviously having a good time. Eventually one of the humans started to pull strings on a wooden box. I recognized the sound because Daddy has a wooden box with strings. Other humans started to howl and Bowmore thought they’d drunk too much falling over juice. Mummy said she thought they were smoking weeds.

There’s a kennel near us where Mummy goes to get pieces of dead cow to cook on the fire box outside. The humans who own the kennel smoke pig ears for us which are really tasty. Mummy pulled lots of weeds out of the garden today and I didn’t know they could be smoked, but I think she should take them to the dead cow humans to see if they taste as good as smoked pig ears.

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