Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Volcano Gods

Just lately Daddy has been complaining about having his life disrupted by “Volcano Gods”.  He says they throw ash in the air that flying metal tubes can’t go through which is how he gets to the far away lands where he earns dog biscuits.  From what I can work out, Volcano Gods live in a place called Iceland.  It’s very cold there so they keep warm around big fires.

When I was a young pup just a little older than Talisker, before our humans had our kennel fixed (it was very old and pieces of it kept falling off) we kept warm by a hole in the wall with fire that made lots of ash.  Mummy put all the ash from the hole in the wall in a bucket every day to take it out of the kennel so the fire could work properly.  Dadddy should give the Volcano Gods a new ash bucket because they must have lost theirs or they wouldn’t have started to throw to throw ash in the air to get rid of it.

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