Thursday, July 8, 2010

Civic Duty

I would like to get the record straight about our supposed bad behavior this afternoon.

Firstly, I would like to explain that as Head of Security in this kennel the old dude taught me that it is my responsibility to keep up with local problem areas so that I can correctly identify potential threats.

I would now like to address what happened today.

Mummy took us to a large field with a big pond where humans go to play when they’re not out earning dog biscuits.  Now, I have read about this place on the writing box but have never visited it before.  I learned that something called Park Services no longer allows humans to feed the big birds because there are too many of them.  When we chased them today we were merely performing our civic duty as security officers in helping to reduce their numbers (the old dude likes to keep his paw in and help out occasionally).  Mummy’s response to growl loudly at us and put us back in the motorized dog carrier before we had a chance to perform this duty effectively was extremely un-civic minded of her and showed her total lack of awareness of local current affairs.

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