Sunday, October 3, 2010

In Deep *!?#

It’s important to keep an eye on what teenagers are doing on the writing box.  Daddy is in the land where humans used to wear hats with horns, and Talisker has always been very good at winding Daddy around his paws so I think he thought this writing box message that I caught might divert the inevitable.

Subject: In trouble again
Date: 10/2/2010 10:53 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time

I'm in deep *!?# again.  Daddy, please come home and rescue me.  I got caught short while mummy was out this afternoon and I found what looked like a drainage hole in the living room so I peed in it.  How was I to know that’s where the cold air comes from?  Mummy is being very quiet and said something about Labrador burgers instead of growling which I know to be REALLY bad.  She spent all evening with her hands in the hole and says she has to get special stuff tomorrow to finish it.  I really don't understand what the fuss is about.  It smells pretty good to me, but you know what she can be like.


Of course, I witnessed the whole thing and he really is in deep *!?# and even Daddy can’t save him.

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