Thursday, November 18, 2010

Soft Paws

I always thought my retirement hobby was just something fun to do when I’m not occupied holding the sofas down, but it appears that humans sometimes give stuff away for writing on the writing box.  Mummy told me that if I wrote about why I like my claw covers on their Facebook page, the humans at might get our nice mail lady to bring me a packet.  This sounded a little strange to me but I didn’t have a busy week so I thought I would give it a go.  Would you believe it actually works?  Our mail lady is bringing me claw covers.

Whilst writing I of course couldn’t resist reading what others had to say.  It would appear a lot of cats wear claw covers.  At first I thought there must be an epidemic of sore toes in the cat community but on further reading I found this not to be the case. I have now come to the conclusion that there can’t be much of a mouse problem in this land as it would appear that there are large numbers of cats who have nothing better to do than spend their time sharpening their claws on the furniture in their kennels and the humans they are supposed to protect.  These humans, instead of protecting cats from sore toes by attaching covers to their claws appear to be doing this as an act of self preservation.

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