Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mending Humans

On Tuesday morning, our humans left the kennel really early without giving us breakfast.  Daddy came home a little while later without Mummy.  He said he took her to a doctor to be mended which I found a little confusing because she didn’t look broken to me.

You can always tell when we have been mended because all our fur disappears around the zipper that the doctor uses to get inside us but it is much more difficult to tell with humans because they are just not very furry.  The only indication we have that Mummy has indeed been mended is that when she returned to our kennel yesterday she was moving much slower than usual.

There hasn’t been the need for human mending in our kennel since Talisker took over as head of security so I am delighted that at last I have had the opportunity to teach him the correct nose positioning for optimum human recovery monitoring.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Bunny Eggs

On this day every year a special breed of rabbit called Easter Bunny lays lots of multi colored eggs.  They are very rarely caught site of but I did manage to find a picture of a couple of them on the writing box.

Bird eggs are full of tasty yellow and white stuff.  I know this because Mummy gives me one in my dinner sometimes.  Bunny eggs appear to be full of human puppy treats.  We went to visit one of Mummy’s pack this weekend to watch them run around trying to fit as many as they could into little baskets which provides almost as much entertainment value as watching Talisker trying to fit multiple yellow fluffy balls into his mouth.

Now, the thing I have never managed to work out is why we never get to see these Bunnies because there has to be a lot of them to lay so many eggs in one night.  My hearing is not too good anymore and one of my eyes doesn’t seem to work very well since my recent illness, so you can excuse me for missing them in my advanced years, but with Talisker’s strong young senses I find it surprising that so many bunnies manage to make it past him.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wise Old Dogs

Bowmore has been very sick the last few days.  He’s feeling much better now, but it’s taken a lot of cuddling from all of us and special little feel better treats that his new doctors gave him.

In the olden days, humans could tell how old and wise we were by looking at our teeth.  Now they just have to count the number of doctors we have.  All dogs have at least one who takes care of us from when we are little pups but as we get older, they call their special doctor friends to help them out.  I only have one special doctor who mended my sore leg, but Bowmore now has five, a leg doctor, a pin doctor, a breathing bag doctor and now he also has an eye doctor and a tummy doctor.  He is obviously very old and wise.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Daddy’s been at home a lot just lately.  Mummy says he doesn’t earn dog biscuits in far away lands anymore.  This is making me very nervous.  There’s only one box of milk bones, one container of kibble and sixteen cans of dog stew in the food storing room (there may have been more but I only have 16 toes so never learnt to count more than that).

Ever since I was a small pup Daddy has had to go away for dog biscuits.  Bowmore says it’s OK because several humans are spending a lot of time hanging out around the human feeding table with him playing with their writing boxes saying they’re starting something.  He seems to think that dog biscuits will come from this, but I don’t buy it.  The only thing I have seen him start is the motorized dog carrier and since he’s not sitting in it, I don’t see how he can start something.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Changing of Coats

At this time of year, we lose our Winter coats and get lighter Summer ones.  It’s pretty easy to get rid of the old one.  You just shake a lot and rub up against humans who come to visit, preferably ones wearing black.  They always jump around which I assume is just happiness for us getting into cooler clothing.

Our sofa changes its coat too but it’s not so good at shaking so needs a lot of help.  We only lose our Winter coat when our Summer coat is already there. Sofas have to lose theirs before they get the new one.  The nice lady who helps Mummy clean up our discarded coats and flatten her clothes is good at helping the sofa out and does it really quickly so it doesn’t get embarrassed sitting around naked.

This coat changing season, our humans decided they would help the sofa out.  They are really bad at dressing sofas.  The poor thing was left with parts of it naked for a really long time.  We tried to help out with covering it up and it took a lot of talking down to persuade it to stay in our kennel after such a humiliating experience.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...