Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Changing of Coats

At this time of year, we lose our Winter coats and get lighter Summer ones.  It’s pretty easy to get rid of the old one.  You just shake a lot and rub up against humans who come to visit, preferably ones wearing black.  They always jump around which I assume is just happiness for us getting into cooler clothing.

Our sofa changes its coat too but it’s not so good at shaking so needs a lot of help.  We only lose our Winter coat when our Summer coat is already there. Sofas have to lose theirs before they get the new one.  The nice lady who helps Mummy clean up our discarded coats and flatten her clothes is good at helping the sofa out and does it really quickly so it doesn’t get embarrassed sitting around naked.

This coat changing season, our humans decided they would help the sofa out.  They are really bad at dressing sofas.  The poor thing was left with parts of it naked for a really long time.  We tried to help out with covering it up and it took a lot of talking down to persuade it to stay in our kennel after such a humiliating experience.

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