Monday, April 25, 2011

Bunny Eggs

On this day every year a special breed of rabbit called Easter Bunny lays lots of multi colored eggs.  They are very rarely caught site of but I did manage to find a picture of a couple of them on the writing box.

Bird eggs are full of tasty yellow and white stuff.  I know this because Mummy gives me one in my dinner sometimes.  Bunny eggs appear to be full of human puppy treats.  We went to visit one of Mummy’s pack this weekend to watch them run around trying to fit as many as they could into little baskets which provides almost as much entertainment value as watching Talisker trying to fit multiple yellow fluffy balls into his mouth.

Now, the thing I have never managed to work out is why we never get to see these Bunnies because there has to be a lot of them to lay so many eggs in one night.  My hearing is not too good anymore and one of my eyes doesn’t seem to work very well since my recent illness, so you can excuse me for missing them in my advanced years, but with Talisker’s strong young senses I find it surprising that so many bunnies manage to make it past him.

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