Monday, September 19, 2011

The Giant Mouse

My humans have finally returned from their most recent adventure.  When I saw the black boxes with wheels I anxiously awaited the release of the Greek mouse catchers to help me with squirrel control and was most disappointed to find that none of them would come here.  Mummy said they all had big families and didn’t want to leave.

This is the first chance I have had since returning from my vacation to get on the writing box.  You have no idea how long it takes to catch up with the backlog of security duties.  I have had to sniff the entire kennel and garden to check that there have been no breaches of security in my absence.

I have to tell you about an interesting experience I had whilst taking some time out from my duties with our neighbors.  Old habits die hard, so at night I felt the need to go out and check the perimeter of their garden before going to bed.  One evening whilst on my patrol I met a guy who looked like a REALLY big mouse.  Now, I always like to meet new people so tried to politely introduce myself and this big mouse just turned his back on me and sprayed really nasty smelly stuff at me.  Mummy told me to keep away from black creatures with big white stripes but she never warned me about giant mice.

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