Thursday, September 22, 2011

Toothless security interns?

One of my little brothers is going to come and live with us at our kennel.  My birth parents had another litter and we’re going to interview the little boys in a few weeks to decide which one would be a good security intern to help me out.  I think I’m doing a pretty good job at handling all the security on my own but have to admit that I do get a little lonely sometimes.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my humans but I need a little canine conversation occasionally and I only get to play with my BFF, Truman once every couple of weeks and he’s a bit of a jock so we only really discuss sports.

Now, I do have some concerns.  I saw pictures of my little brothers.  They look really small and I have doubts about how useful they can be in the security profession.  They don’t even seem to have teeth, which is a primary qualification for this job.  Mummy says I was that size and toothless once too but I don’t buy it.  I just hope she proves to be wrong by the time we go to meet the little guys.

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