Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thin pickings for mouse catchers

The latest report from my humans is that they are on a lump of land in the middle of a big lake in a place called Greece.  I thought they must have spelt this wrong and meant “grease” and found it a little confusing as I have always thought grease was something that drops off chickens when Mummy puts them in the cooking box with fire and couldn’t understand why they would want to spend time surrounded by such a yucky substance.

I have tried to keep away from the writing box while on vacation, but curiosity got the better of me.  It turns out that there really is a place called Greece.  The humans there are very athletic and like to eat sheep.

At some point in time, there must have been a mouse problem on the lump of land my humans are visiting because there are a lot of mouse catchers roaming the streets.  There obviously are no longer enough mice to keep them all employed as many are reduced to begging at human feeding stations.  Mouse catchers are very proud creatures so this must be particularly humiliating for them.  Being the swimmer that I am, I would just swim to another lump of land to look for new employment, but these little guys don’t have waterproof fur and webbed feet like me so they are a little short of options.  I think Mummy should help a few out and bring them back to our kennel with her in her big black bag.  We don’t have a big mouse problem, but we do have a lot of squirrels who she really hates because they make a mess of her garden.  She says they are big mice with fluffy tails so I’m sure Greek mouse catchers could adapt their skills to catch them too.

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