Friday, October 14, 2011

Chasing Tail

Last weekend my humans went to a human gathering at a falling over juice kennel called Sarah’s Vineyard.  They get together to eat and listen to howling humans to celebrate the separation of bunches of little round things used to make falling over juice from their plants.  I don’t really understand this as the little round things must miss their plants.  After all, I miss my humans if you separate me from them and it definitely isn’t something to celebrate.  However, they obviously don’t suffer from separation anxiety as my humans drink a lot of the falling over juice they make which means it must be good and they couldn't produce tasty stuff if they were feeling depressed.

Now, you do have to understand that I only went along to chase a little tail.  This is a human expression I’ve heard used on the moving picture frame on the wall and I think it means they are missing canine companionship and are going out looking for some.  Life is a little lonely without someone of your own kind to talk to and I know dogs help out at Sarah’s.  Unfortunately they thought the humans howled too loudly so had decided to have an early night.

There was an upside.  I got to further my gastronomic research and tasted a human delicacy called bread pudding.  It was pretty good but as a bread connoisseur I think I prefer fresh, untouched artisan sourdough.

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