Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Human Insecurities

I admit defeat.  I really need help with security around here.  The more humans there are in our kennel, the harder work it is because after all, I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I wasn’t keeping watch over all them.

It started on Wednesday when Daddy’s Mummy arrived from the far away land she comes from in a flying metal tube; a little extra work but nothing I can’t handle.  The next day one of his litter mates turned up from an even farther away land.   He just wanted to hold the sofa down and watch humans trying to play fetch on the moving picture frame on the wall so this was still well within the scope of my skill set.  On Friday Daddy’s other litter mate stopped by and I have to admit that at this point I was getting a little confused.  I’ve never before seen his whole pack hanging out in our kennel together.

On Saturday it all became clear.  It was Daddy’s Birthday.  He’s really old and humans like to celebrate getting old.  Of course, I expected a few more of his friends to arrive at some point to drink falling over juice with him.  After all, I invite my friends over to play fetch on my Birthday.

First, a few humans dressed in the same body covers arrived with lots of food and then a lot more came to eat it.  Now, it was getting pretty hectic but I was still on top of it until some of them started to pull strings on funny shaped boards, bang on big boxes and howl really loudly.  The other humans started jumping up and down and running around in between eating little colored human treats and I just couldn’t keep track of them anymore.  This was no longer a job for one dog.  When I saw the entrance to our kennel was open I thought it would be a good idea to go down the road and get my BFF, Truman to come and help out.

You’d think that with that many humans they’d be able to take care of each other but they are obviously even more helpless than I had previously thought.  I had just got to Truman’s kennel when I heard lots of humans yelling my name.  There was obviously something bad going on so I ran back as fast as I could to find Daddy and a bunch of them running around looking quite distressed.  Man, those guys are insecure.  Apparently the cause of their distress was that they noticed that I wasn’t watching over them.  Can’t a dog even leave for a few minutes to get back-up?

The number of humans all weekend in our kennel has been pretty high which has seriously eaten into my required 20 hours of sleep a day and I have finally decided that they are now on their own.  I need to take a good, long sleep and boy, do I need some help here.

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