Friday, October 21, 2011

My Kid Brothers

Yesterday was a very exciting day for me.  At the beginning I just thought I was going on one of our usual outings with my humans.  They didn’t appear to be putting bags of human stuff in the back of the motorized dog carrier (my coat is much more practical and I only need one), but I could sense a higher level of excitement than usual.

We drove for a really long time, almost as long as it takes to get to the white slippy stuff that my older brother, Bowmore and I used to go and play in when we had our winter coats.  It started to look a little familiar when we stopped on a piece of floating road that helped us across water.  It would appear that motorized dog carriers don’t swim well.

Not long after we reached the other side, there was a sign, “Diamond P Labs”.  Mummy said this was the place I came from.  I got a little worried at first because this could mean one of two things; either my humans were dissatisfied with my security performance and were bringing me back, or we were there to meet my kid brothers.  Thankfully it was the latter.

I am pleased to say that Mummy was correct and they do now have teeth and seem to show some potential as athletes.  Now the hard part started for them as this was the big interview that would determine their future and when they would both be given names, a monumental day in any dog’s life.

Let me now introduce Tobermory and Kihei.  Their lives will be a little different.  Tobermory is going to be my security intern and I look forward to showing him the ropes and teaching him the art of sofa restraint.  I have not been able to spend enough time on this ancient art since becoming the solo dog responsible for security in this kennel and look forward to spending more time practicing it once the duties are shared a little.

Kihei is going to be thrown a little more into the deep end.  He will be taking care of friends of my humans, and their kennel has been running with no security for a while so I’m sure it’s a little chaotic.  He won’t have a big brother to guide him but he’s a bright kid so I’m sure he’ll work it out.  He also gets the advantage of having human puppies in his kennel which I have always found to be a constant source of amusement and sometimes they can really be quite cute.  I also predict that he may also have a great modeling carreer.

In a couple of weeks my kid brothers will be starting their new lives.  In the meantime they have a little more growing to do and of course have to complete kindergarten.

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