Thursday, October 27, 2011

Remembering Bowmore

Tobermory will be coming home next week, but I will never forget my older brother, Bowmore who taught me everything.  I want to make sure that I can tell my little brother what a cool dude he was and I don’t mean just in his athletic accomplishments but his intellectual side too.  Last night Mummy helped me search through all the pictures of him on her writing box so that I can put a story board together.

I only knew Bowmore in his later years.  When I first came to this kennel he was still an expert Frisbee catcher but was beginning to slow down a little and concentrate more on the ancient art of sofa restraint.  I had always assumed that Frisbees had been the main focus of his life and that he had not pursued his writing ambitions until handing over the job of Chief of Security to me.  However, it would appear that he started at really quite a young age.  This is a picture of him sitting at the writing box.  He was about the same age as I am now and Mummy said he was already quite an accomplished writer and used to often help her out when she was busy.  I guess I have even more to live up to than I realized.

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