One thing I admire about our humans is that they are very good at staying in contact with their litter mates despite their living in faraway lands and having to travel on flying metal tubes to play with each other.
I lost touch with all my litter mates but luckily for Tobermory his litter mate, Kihei is taking care of a family of humans that ours know. His Daddy used to have a floating human carrier and our Daddy helped him chase other floating human carriers around a big lake called San Francisco Bay. The things that humans do to amuse themselves never ceases to amaze me.
Kihei came to visit this weekend and watching the kids catch up was a real joy. For me, having grown up with a mentor, it was very interesting to learn how he is honing his security skills without guidance. One of the more important things to master for this job is the correct use of teeth. Bowmore was my instructor and kindly offered his ears and nose for me to practice on and I in turn am doing the same for Tobermory. Not having this resource, Kihei assumed that small humans wouldn’t mind if he practiced on their noses but apparently they don’t understand how important it is to perfect this skill and make loud squeaky noises and run away.
The kids spent all afternoon wrestling and Kihei’s Daddy took some great pictures of them with a really big picture box. Our Daddy has always told us that size doesn’t matter but Mummy says it does if you’re taking pictures at the time.
I’m going to make sure I arrange more of these family reunions. Not only do my ears and nose get a break, but the kids completely wear themselves out so I can get some time off from my babysitting duties.