Monday, November 28, 2011

Educating Tobermory

I’ve decided it’s time to step up Tobermory’s education.  He’s becoming quite accomplished at the ancient art of sofa restraint but if he’s ever going to be of help to me with security he has a lot to learn.

Going for neighborhood sniffs is an important part of any dog’s life.  It’s when we get to exercise our humans and check our surroundings for potential threats.  Tobermory is definitely into the sniffing but needs to work on his human handling.  I had to explain that you can’t just move at your own pace.  Humans are not very sure footed so it’s important to watch them.

As we get bigger and get more juice to stop us from getting sick, dogs are allowed to go on adventures without sitting in a bag and yesterday, since Tobermory’s first neighborhood sniff went well I thought we should take him out for a treat to sample bread at a local human feeding station.  It was bright outside so we took the motorized dog carrier with no roof which was a real treat for him.  He couldn’t believe how many good smells he could jam up his nose.

It’s always good to see regulars like Hogie and Sierra Belle and it would have been nice if Tobermory had not embarrassed me in front of them, but oh no.  He had to slip his harness and taunt the humans into playing a game of tag.  This is the height of bad manners while humans are eating and Hogie was kind enough to give me a few words of advice on teaching the correct etiquette for the outdoor feeding of humans.  I just copied Bowmore but Tobermory seems to be a little more of a free spirit.

What I don’t understand is why after this appalling behavior, he got to sit on a chair next to Mummy while I politely sat where I was told.

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