Saturday, November 5, 2011

To Lil and Turbo

DEer Mom an Dad
My bIg bruver, TaliSker helPt me wok the riting bocks so I cood tel you Im fyn.  He ses AuNt P wil pars this to u.
MY nu kenel waS skary at fist but I lyk it now.  Talisker is teechin me lods of Nu stuf.  There R byg TAll beds cald sofas that lyk to run away so hes bin teechin me to HOld them dOun.  He ses i hav good teCHnik.

mY nu Mumy has rEd claws.  She maks kool sQeeky noses weN i bYt them.  she also has long fir On HEr hed that is fun to pool.

Yestada my nU dady took ME to a plase ware he drinks fALing ova Juce.  i sAt in a Speshial dog bag.  TALisker staid outside.  He SES hes too grone up to sit in bags.   I thingc he’s misiNG out coz it was prity cumfy an i got to CUdel Dady an lots of hoomans let me Lik thare noz.  thay wiR tasti.

giv Aunt P an Uncle R a LIK on the noz fRom me.

ByG liks,

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