Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sleep Deprivation

Yesterday we took the motorized dog carrier for a ride on the piece of floating road to bring my little brother, Tobermory home to our kennel.  So far he’s showing some good potential for the security profession.  He follows our humans around the whole time and is particularly vocal when he can’t see them.  Man, can that kid yell although he does need to learn when it’s just not cool to express his opinions so loudly.  Little guys are hard work to keep occupied so I need all the shut eye I can get and didn’t appreciate the early morning ruckus that went on today.

Puppy’s come with lots of new toys.  Now, I mastered the correct technique for dismantling them pretty early on and Tobermory is going to need some help in this field.  However, for the moment I am concentrating on the basics of the art of sofa restraint.  There’s only so much you can expect a new security intern to absorb on his first day at a new kennel and at the very least, this lesson allows me to catch up on a little sleep.

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