Thursday, January 28, 2021

Good Grooming

Our groomer, TLC Mobile Pet Grooming came to give us our winter bath last week.  I always look forward to this.  Not only does he wash all the itchy stuff out of our fur, but we get an ear clean and pedicure too, all in about 45 minutes.  I look particularly handsome after; the red in my coat looks darker and my fur is fluffy and soft.

Mummy went to her groomer today.  When she returned, I had to question the efficiency of human groomers.  She was there all afternoon and her fur is paler and less fluffy than when she left.  Not only that, but we only need to see our groomer twice a year.  She goes multiple times a year and then must go to a different groomer to trim her claws.  I think the human grooming profession could learn a few lessons from the canine branch of their business.


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