Friday, January 1, 2021

Goodbye 2020

Tobermory:  So kid.  I need you to listen carefully and take note.  You weren't around for much of last year so don't understand all the bad stuff that's been going on.  I know you think that is a comfy place to sleep, but that is the security command post.  2021 will require you to use it for it's correct purpose ... to observe all the entrances to the kennel to deal with heightened risks.

Arran:  Look ... I can close one eye ... aarrrgh, talk like a pirate! ... and still see at least 2 entrances to the kennel.

Tobermory:  Oh, you are such a child.  What did I do to deserve this.

Tobermory:  That's right.  Just go back to sleep and leave me to protect the humans in 2021 on my own.

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