Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Care and Maintenance of Humans

We’ve had a pretty boring few days. Last week Mummy went for a run and the sky started dropping water on her. Humans don’t have waterproof fur like us. She insisted when she got back to our kennel that she didn’t have time to blow hot air through her fur before taking me to a doctor’s appointment. Now she has a cold, wet nose. I know what you’re thinking and Tali thought the same, but in my many years of experience of taking care of humans, I have learnt that they are supposed to have warm, dry noses. We have been doing our best to keep her warm. She sleeps under a big rug stuffed with bird fur and Tali has been helping out by getting under to warm it up.

On the positive side, Daddy came home this evening. He earns dog biscuits in a far away land. He’s been in lots of very cold places and had many hours on a flying metal tube to get home so I now need to concentrate on warming him up. We can’t have two humans in one kennel with cold, wet noses.


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