Saturday, February 20, 2010

Goodbye to an old friend

As an old wise dog you learn that when your friends get sick and no longer enjoy life in the human world, if they have been lucky enough to take care of really good humans, they help us move on to another world where nothing hurts, the rabbits are really fat and slow and the treats are particularly tasty.

My good friend, Emerson went to join my older brother, Cider there this week. We were puppies together when our Daddies started a place to earn dog biscuits. We entertained the human puppies at gatherings and shared a lot of good times.

We went to say goodbye to Emerson before he left, shared a hamburger and laughed at all the fun we’ve had over the years. He likes the meat, so as bread connoisseurs we helped out to make sure nothing went to waste. He will be missed here in the human world but I know Cider will show him the ropes and introduce him to all the best places to sniff.

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