Sunday, February 7, 2010

Humans can’t play fetch

Once a year humans gather in groups around the moving picture frame on the wall to watch other humans dressed in colorful clothes and hard hats play fetch. Today was that day. They have been doing this for many dog lives so you would think they would have learnt how to fetch by now.

All good dogs know that when a ball is thrown to you, you bring it back and drop it so that it can be thrown again. These guys catch the ball and run away with it. This is really bad fetching etiquette. The other humans in the silly outfits obviously know this too because they chase after the guy with the ball to get him to drop it. Tali is a good fetcher and is really upset by their lack of adherence to the correct code in the fetching game. To get his mind off this insult to his genetic make up, I need to go and help him with his sofa restraint studies.


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