Monday, January 31, 2011

The Ageing of Humans

This weekend, one of our humans’ friends turned 50 human years.  Now, if he was a dog that would make him 350 but as all dogs know, humans are slow developers so it takes them 7 dog years to learn what we can in one.

The desire of humans to celebrate these milestones can of course be advantageous to all of us. It meant that we got to go on an adventure.  With all the chaos surrounding the indoor tree season and Talisker’s leg repair, we haven’t had the opportunity to take our humans on a good adventure for a while.

For those of you who like to follow my writing, you will know that our humans like to have falling over juice tested on them, so we all went to Sonoma where there is a lot to be tested.  Talisker and I are not too fond of falling over juice, but we do enjoy meeting the ambassadors of the kennels where it’s made.  And the best part … getting to keep Mummy and Daddy warm all night on a big bed stuffed with bird fur although I have to say that they do take up way too much space.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I have long been a believer in going to play with humans who help my legs work better, so I am very happy for Talisker that Mummy is taking him with me to help his repaired leg get better quicker.  He appears to enjoy it, even the round things that make your legs tingle.

I do however have one major objection.  The magic box is one of the places where I have the most fun and the humans won’t let me in it while I have a zipper in my neck because they seem to think it will leak.  Just to add insult to injury, they are allowing the kid to play in there and make we watch.  I consider this to be discrimination against dogs with zippers which is very frowned on in this land and I have to admit that I have not been able to restrain myself from letting them know in no too uncertain words about my views on this subject.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Scratch That Itch

Man, I feel good.  Not only are my breathing bags working well but my legs work better too.  We took Talisker out for his first neighborhood sniff today since his leg repair and I have to say that I haven’t enjoyed a sniff so much for quite some time.

There is one thing I have to complain about.  The zipper in my neck is pretty itchy and all dogs know that one of the many uses of back claws is to get rid of neck itches.  I don’t think Mummy understands this because she has put my blue paw covers on my back paws.  I can’t see any other reason for this than her own vanity in wanting me to be color coordinated with my walking harness, and now I just can’t get rid of that itch.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Our Scary Week

I thought I would get some rest time during my recuperation from surgery, but it was not to be.  It turned into a scary week.

Mummy and I took the old dude to go and play in the magic box full of water but he wasn’t feeling too good.  A doctor said he wasn’t getting enough air into the breathing bags in his chest and told Mummy to take him straight to our doctor.  He took Bowmore to their special picture room but brought him back to us really quickly.  He was making very strange noises and looked really unhappy.  He put sleepy juice into his leg and our human friend who comes to stay with us when our humans go away sat on the floor with Mummy with a tube that blew special air at him.  Humans were rushing around saying they thought they were losing him which really didn’t make sense.  After all, he was right there in front of us, he had his collar and tags on and didn’t look like he was going to escape any time soon so how could they possibly think they were going to lose him.

Eventually Bowmore went to sleep and stopped making scary noises and a nice human put him in our motorized dog carrier and we all went home for dinner.  I thought that was the end of it but in the morning, before we had breakfast and Mummy had enough brown human waking up juice to make her a nice person, she put us back in the motorized dog carrier.  We went a long way until we could see a big lake called the Pacific Ocean to visit a special breathing bag doctor.  Mummy left Bowmore there and wouldn’t let me stay too.  I’ve never been on my own before and I really didn’t like it.  It’s pretty frightening out there when you don’t have a big brother to hold your paw.

Bowmore has now come home and is really happy.  He has a big zipper in his neck, but his breathing bags work really well.  I think it looks pretty cool and I guess Daddy agrees because he says he prefers that over the new motorized dog carrier he’s been looking at.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sporting Injuries

Everyone knows that serious athletes push their bodies to the limit so are always injuring themselves.  I had plenty of experience of this in my younger days.

Talisker has had a sore leg for a while so had to go to a special leg mending doctor.  Just when I thought my life would return to normal and I could get back to concentrating on my writing, he came back from the leg mending kennel, all sleepy and obviously not capable of performing his security duties.  Mummy spends a lot of time putting warm bags on the sore bit and giving him special treats to keep him sleepy so the mending will work properly.  This does of course mean that I have had to come out of retirement full time for the next few weeks which is exceptionally tiring for an old boy like me.  There is obviously the opportunity for some enterprising young pup to earn a lot of dog biscuits providing temporary security services to help out in situations like this.


Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...