Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sporting Injuries

Everyone knows that serious athletes push their bodies to the limit so are always injuring themselves.  I had plenty of experience of this in my younger days.

Talisker has had a sore leg for a while so had to go to a special leg mending doctor.  Just when I thought my life would return to normal and I could get back to concentrating on my writing, he came back from the leg mending kennel, all sleepy and obviously not capable of performing his security duties.  Mummy spends a lot of time putting warm bags on the sore bit and giving him special treats to keep him sleepy so the mending will work properly.  This does of course mean that I have had to come out of retirement full time for the next few weeks which is exceptionally tiring for an old boy like me.  There is obviously the opportunity for some enterprising young pup to earn a lot of dog biscuits providing temporary security services to help out in situations like this.


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